At our next meeting, we will take a look at how animal agriculture (eating and raising animals for food) impacts the environment.
Recommended book: Comfortably UNAWARE - What We Choose to Eat is Killing Us and Our Planet, by Dr. Richard A. Oppenlander Recommended documentary: Cowspiracy
We had a great meeting on July 20. Thanks to all who attended for your participation. Someone shared with us that the video on strongly influenced her decision to go vegan. It is the video "If slaughterhouses had glass walls". Click below to view the video. This Sunday from 1 to 4 PM there is a get-together put on by Plant Pure NELA (North East Los Angeles) in Pasadena. Plant Pure NELA is a Community Partner of VegHelp101. Join the group at the Jamba Juice Innovation Bar on Colorado Bl. If you would like to build your network of people interested in a WFPB diet, and to expand your community of folks who share this way of eating, this would be a great opportunity. See link below. A terrific, free online summit with top speakers is coming up Sept. 7-16 Register at link below. Below is a template for creating easy to make WFPB meals. Attachments area Preview attachment Jeff-Novack-FAST_FOOD-basic-recipes.pdf Our next meeting on Weds., August 3 is a vegan potluck. Come enjoy the goodies. Please bring a vegan dish to share. Some of the major points presented at the conference will be shared for discussion at tomorrow's meeting. This should make for STIMULATING discussion...believe me! This was a FOUR DAY conference - non stop! Whew! It is most interesting to juxtapose the "sense" of an animal rights conference to a vegan conference to a whole food plant based conference. I certainly would say it is good to experience each of them to gain a stronger grasp of the core principles that guide them. While there is significant overlap, there are also notable differences. It is good to go with an open mind and willingness to learn.
VegHelp101 welcomes all newcomers to our meetings. There is no charge to attend. You do not have to be vegetarian or vegan. You can just find out what vegan is all about. Any step taken towards incorporating more plants into our diets and fewer animal "products" is considered a step in the right direction. The VegHelp101 philosophy is to make both information and support available, and on a regular basis. This is why we meet IN PERSON at a regular time and place. No reservation is necessary to attend. Just show up. We are here to help each other move towards going vegan and to STAY ON TRACK.
We are starting to have monthly field trips. Our upcoming field trip is scheduled for Saturday, August 13 at the Dog Café at 11 AM. The Dog Café is "America's first Dog Café" and is now open in Los Angeles. The Dog Cafe's mission is to revolutionize dog adoption by reinventing the way people connect with rescues who need homes. If you are interested in joining us there, go to to make your reservation, get more information and to make the payment. (There is a $10.00 entry fee.) It is advised to arrive 15 minutes early. Sound like fun? I can't wait! |